Address: Strada della Trappola, Grosseto – Toscana, Italia

GPS coordinates: 42.740074, 11.105305

How to reach Villa San Lorenzo

Follow the directions and check the Google map to reach our villa in Maremma Toscana.
Recommended vehicle: car.

If you arrive by car:

From Milan – Parma – La Spezia – Livorno Rosignano – towards Rome: exit at Grosseto Sud from via Aurelia (ss1).

From Bologna continue towards Rome and exit at Firenze Certosa: exit at Grosseto Sud from via Aurelia (ss1).

From the south – from Naples or Rome: take the A12 autostrada (motorway) towards Civitavecchia – SS1 superstrada (highway) to Grosseto and exit at Grosseto sud from via Aurelia (ss1).

After about 4 kilometers, upon reaching Grosseto, follow the directions for Ippodromo, pass under the railway bridge, and at the roundabout, go straight towards Ippodromo – Principina a Mare, take the Strada Provinciale la Trappola, 40 (or SP 40) for about 50 meters and turn left.

If you arrive by plane or train: contact us and we will assist you in booking a taxi or car rental.

Tel. 0039.0564.24116 – Email.

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